

We are the Dunedin Brewer’s Guild – one of the oldest homebrew clubs in Tampa Bay!

This site puts you in touch with us, our events, and local businesses in the brewing community.

There is always a lot going on – come back often!

As of 2019, Dunedin Brewer’s Guild is also PROUD to offer a scholarship for the USFSP Brewing Arts Program! If you, or someone you know is interested, click the USFSP Brewing Arts Program Scholarship tab above! All details, and the application are located there. We look forward to helping as many budding brewers and brewery owners as we can!

You can also visit us on Facebook and Twitter (you do not need a Facebook or Twitter account to visit either of our pages. Both are open to the public).


Founded in 1996, Dunedin Brewers Guild is the first homebrew club in Pinellas County! We formed to share our interests in home brewing and the craft beer industry.

Our community business partners include brew supply stores, breweries, distilleries, and the City of Dunedin.

We meet the third Thursday of every month at Soggy Bottom Brewing. Meetings include educational segments, beer tastings, raffles, brewing tips, tricks, Homebrewer of the Year Competition entries, and homebrewing comraderie.

If you want to become a member, just click the Memberships/Online Store tab. We do not require an application, do not charge an application fee, do not require members enter a certain number of competitions to remain members, do not have a probation period, and do not require club uniforms.

Non Members/Friends of Dunedin Brewer’s Guild are always welcome at Club functions.

Check out our calendar and come see us soon!


Since 1996, DBG has held it’s own Homebrewer of the Year and Walk the Line With Barley Wine competitions as well as participating in ALL competitions across the state of Florida!

Please be aware, there was no 2014 or 2015 Homebrewer of the Year Competition. The Club resumed Homebrewer of the Year again in 2016 moving forward.

In 2018, DBG partnered with PUB Guild to resurrect our Pepper Beer Competition!

2019 DBG Pepper Competition – with Tampa Bay BEERS!

The 2020 Pepper Beer Competition moving forward, will be held by DBG exclusively.

Competition Date: 2020 – Sunday, August 30th, at Caledonia Brewing, Dunedin, FL

Entry Window: April 1st, to August 21st, 2020

Judging Registration: April 1st, to August 21st, 2020

Reggie Link: https://reggiebeer.com/ReggieEntry.php?CompetitionID=VQYLCU1000543

All Competition Judging will be done day of Competition.

Guidelines and Information:

The competition will follow the 2015 BJCP Guidelines for sanctioned competitions and will be part of the Florida Circuit.

Entries will be accepted from the following 2015 BJCP Styles in Beer, Mead, and Cider:

1 – A  B  D
2 – A  B  C
6 – B
7 – A
10 – A  B  C
12 – C
13 – B C
14 – A  B  C
15 – A  B  C
19 – A  C
20 – A  B
21 – A
22 – A  B  C
23 – A  B
24 – A
25 – A  B  C

Categories may be collapsed as necessary.

All Beer entries must be in 10-12 oz. brown or green glass. No bottles with ink, painted name-brand lettering (i.e. Corona), or glued or taped on paper labels. Raised NO DEPOSIT, brand names, or manufacturing codes are acceptable. Beers must be capped with blank crown caps. Meads & Ciders may be entered in 6 to 12 oz bottles. Grolsch-type swing tops are acceptable for meads and ciders. No 22 ounce bombers, 750 ml bottles or plastic bottles are permitted. Bottles not meeting these requirements will be disqualified.

An entry consists of 3 bottles.  If you choose to submit less than 3 bottles, you must mention the number of bottles in the comments when registering.  Submitting two bottles will make the entry ineligible for Best of Show.

Both the pepper and beer base style should be present and not overpower one another. Balance is key! When placing your entry, you must specify the pepper variety in your entry so the judges know what to expect. For instance, if you enter a Jalapeno Lager, enter it as a Lager, then specify the pepper variety as Jalapeno.



Delivering Entries

Select your delivery location in REGGIE. This helps us find your entry.

Please ensure the entry labels are attached to the neck of each of your bottles with a rubber band. Please deliver your entries in a box or 6 pack holder to the delivery location you selected in REGGIE.

Competition Reggie link:

Drop off/mail in locations:

Beer and Winemaker’s Pantry:

9200 66th St,

Pinellas Park, FL

VetterBrew HomeBrew Supply (drop-off and mail-in)

2705 Cypress Dr,

Clearwater, FL 33763

Hillsborough County:

Southern Brewing & Winemaking

4500 N Nebraska Ave

Tampa, FL 33603

You may also log into Reggie to view your scoresheets with judge feed back.

Walk the Line With Barleywine 2020:

DBG will be holding Walk the Line With Barleywine this year, 12/05/2020!

The categories are:

17A English Strong Ale

17B Old Ale

17D English Barleywine

22B American Strong Ale

22C American Barleywine

30C Winter Seasonal Beer

33A Wood Aged Versions of any of the Above Six Styles

Categories may be collapsed as necessary.

All Beer entries must be in 10-12 oz. brown or green glass. No bottles with ink, painted name-brand lettering (i.e. Corona), or glued or taped on paper labels. Raised NO DEPOSIT, brand names, or manufacturing codes are acceptable. Beers must be capped with blank crown caps. Meads & Ciders may be entered in 6 to 12 oz bottles. Grolsch-type swing tops are acceptable for meads and ciders. No 22 ounce bombers, 750 ml bottles or plastic bottles are permitted. Bottles not meeting these requirements will be disqualified.

An entry consists of 3 bottles.  If you choose to submit less than 3 bottles, you must mention the number of bottles in the comments when registering.  Submitting two bottles will make the entry ineligible for Best of Show.



Delivering Entries

Select your delivery location in REGGIE. This helps us find your entry.

Please ensure the entry labels are attached to the neck of each of your bottles with a rubber band. Please deliver your entries in a box or 6 pack holder to the delivery location you selected in REGGIE.

Competition Reggie link: https://reggiebeer.com/ReggieEntry.php?CompetitionID=CJVWWW1000544

Dates for Entry Registration: August 1st – Nov 27th, 2020
Dates for Judge Registration: August 1st – Nov 27th, 2020

Drop off/mail in locations:

Beer and Winemaker’s Pantry:

9200 66th St,

Pinellas Park, FL

VetterBrew HomeBrew Supply (drop-off and mail-in)

2705 Cypress Dr,

Clearwater, FL 33763

Hillsborough County:

Southern Brewing & Winemaking

4500 N Nebraska Ave

Tampa, FL 33603

If you would like to see current/past National competition results, please visit www.reggiebeer.com. Though you can create a login if you wish, it is not necessary to view competition results. If DBG does not appear for an event selected, then DBG did not participate in that event.

Please see the 2005 – 2013 Homebrewer of the year Archives here:

Homebrewer of the Year DBG Archive

USFSP Brewing Arts Program Scholarship

The USFSP Brewing Arts Program Scholarship has been suspended. Updates will be posted as soon as they are received.

Dunedin Brewer’s Guild is PROUD to offer a $500.00 scholarship for the USFSP Brewing Arts Program!

If we receive a robust response, we may increase the amount or frequency moving forward.

The current award is $500.00 once a year for students registered in the program.

You must show proof of registration, complete the essay as stated on the application, and provide two (2) letters of recommendation with your application. Download the application from the link below, and email it back with your proof of registration, essay, and letters of recommendation to president@dunedinbrewersguild.com. Further instruction is provided on the form.

The USFSP Brewing Arts program also features this scholarship on their program page here: https://www.usfsp.edu/brewing-arts/details/.

Due to impacts from Covid, we are extending the deadline for the 2020 scholarship. The new deadline is January 3rd, 2022. The scholarship will be awarded in person to the recipient at our February meeting held on Thursday, February 17th at Soggy Bottom Brewing in Dunedin, FL. If you are not local, or do not feel comfortable meeting in public yet, a Zoom meeting presentation can be arranged.

We look forward to all applicants – best of luck, and Brew On!

DBG USF Brewing Program Scholarship App


If you would like to contact us directly for any reason, you may do so via email to president@dunedinbrewersguild.com.

You may also message us via our Facebook and Instagram pages (@DBGuild and dbgpresident, respectively).

Alternately, you may also see us in person at any of our meetings.

Brew On!